Here you will find answers to important questions about information and media technology at the University of Siegen.
Do you have a question that is not answered in our FAQs? Please feel free to contact us!

I would like to…

contact the ZIMT support desk

The ZIMT Support Desk is the first point of contact for using ZIMT services. Here you will receive help with your questions and concerns and, if necessary, can be referred to other ZIMT departments for separate advice. You can contact the Support Desk in the following ways:

  • In person in room H-D 2203 (opening hours: Mon – Fri, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.)
  • Email us at: support@zimt.uni-siegen.de
  • Tel.: (0271) 740 – 4777 (during the above opening hours)
have more information about the ZIMT account


The creation of new employee accounts and the renewal and modification of master data for employee accounts via the application-based procedure from the user account administration will be replaced by a data-supported, automated procedure similar to the procedure for students.

The new procedure uses the existing data from the SAP HR system, which is entered there by employees in the HR department, to create, update master data and deactivate/delete accounts. This ensures that employee accounts are only created for people who have a known employment relationship with the university. Employees do not have to obtain an extension for their accounts; the validity of their ZIMT account is linked to their employment relationship with the University of Siegen and is updated with existing contracts.

In the event of problems with the account despite valid employment, the users concerned should contact the ZIMT Support Desk at support@zimt.uni-siegen.de.

External persons

In order to ensure that external persons such as service providers, experts, guest researchers or others can be provided with access authorisations within the scope of their tasks, the creation of guest accounts for responsible persons in your area of responsibility will be offered via a guest account portal in the future. Until the guest account portal is available, applications for guest access can be made by sending an email request to the ZIMT Support Desk at support@zimt.uni-siegen.de.

Additional services / options

Employees, students or external persons can book additional services / options for their own account beyond the basic functionality within the scope of the authorisations granted via the UniSIM online user account administration. The procedures in user account management are being adapted on an ongoing basis.

Description of the customised procedure for setting up new employee accounts and providing the necessary access data.

Responsible persons can request the access data for their new employees from the ZIMT Support Desk (support@zimt.uni-siegen.de), stating their first name, surname and the organisational unit in which they have been hired. The access data will then be transmitted by suitable means and should then be handed over to the new employee by the person responsible.

request further ZIMT services

This can be done via the ZIMT online user account management:

connect to the university network via VPN

VPN (Virtual Private Network) offers the possibility to connect to the University of Siegen network from an external network (e.g. from home) in a tap-proof and tamper-proof manner. This gives you access to university content and services that are otherwise only accessible within the university, such as licenced databases and electronic journals with full texts from the university library.

Access is via the free, open source-based OpenVPN solution.

Username and password are the same as those used when logging in to the ZIMT email service (user ID without ‘@uni-siegen.de’)

ZIMT provides different VPN profiles. The univpn profile is the right choice for most users.
Upon successful login via the univpn profile, the user is assigned a random (dynamic) IP address from the university’s VPN address range. Multiple VPN sessions are possible on different devices when using this profile.

The admin-vpn profile is only required if special authorisations with a static VPN address assigned to the user are necessary in the firewall, e.g. remote access to the workstation computer from outside the university.
As the user is assigned a static VPN IP address, several parallel VPN sessions are not possible via this profile.
To obtain access to the admin-vpn, please send an informal email to sienet-support@uni-siegen.de.

The OpenVPN service is fully IPv6-capable. In addition to the IPv4 address, an IPv6 address is also assigned. The traffic for both protocols is redirected through a so-called tunnel. This is also the case if the network in which the end device is located does not itself have an IPv6 Internet connection.

If you have any problems during installation or when setting up the connections, please refer to the instructions or FAQs (see below) or contact the IT support desk at support@zimt.uni-siegen.de.

surf wirelessly with my laptop (WiFi)

The University of Siegen participates in the eduroamservice provided by DFN (German national research and education network).

For the participating institutions, this service allows

  • WiFi access for employees and students of the University of Siegen,
  • WiFi access at the University of Siegen for guests from external universities and academic institutions that also use eduroam,
  • WiFi access for employees and students of the University of Siegen at other universities and academic institutions that also use eduroam.

Authentication is established via the DFN network with the home university, while network access is provided by the host university.

Secure access to eduroam – here’s how:

Manual installation is possible, but is not supported on all devices. We therefore recommend setting it up with the geteduroam app (see below), as the server certificate is checked when logging into the eduroam WiFi, thereby increasing security.

With the help of the tool, an (almost) automatic configuration of the eduroam profile is possible for the majority of mobile devices. It is important that the device receives the eduroam network during installation so that it can connect to it directly and that in all cases „@uni-siegen.de“ is entered after the user name when the access data is requested (e.g. g123456@uni-siegen.de).

The setup tool is available here:

change my user password

To change your password, please log in to the website https://auth.uni-siegen.de and select ‘Change password’ from the menu at the top right.

The password must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Minimum length of 12 characters
  • Characters of each of the following three groups:
    • Lower case letters: a, b, c, …
    • Capital letters: A, B, C, …
    • Digits: 1, 2, 3, …
  • It must not be your current password!
  • Please do NOT use the following characters:
    • Umlauts ä, Ä, ö, Ö, ü, Ü
    • ß
    • Combinations of letters that appear one after the other in your account or full name
  • No special characters!

Please note: It may take several minutes until the new password is active in all connected systems.

set up my email programme

For help with setting up the email programme, please see Mailservice / Uni Mails or please contact the ZIMT Support Desk at support@zimt.uni-siegen.de.

have my email address activated

Activate your student email address via your personal unisono account independently.

have information on unisono

Sorry, unisono is not a ZIMT service!

If you have any questions about using the system or troubleshooting, please contact the university administration’s unisono support team at


If our FAQs have not helped you any further, please contact our ZIMT support desk at support@zimt.uni-siegen.de.